Yearbook 102

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2012, Pages: 248, Paperback

Readers from all over the world join in discussions on previous Surveys. Titled players, correspondence players and club players shed their light on opening developments and search for the truth together. With contributions by Viktor Moskalenko, Pavel Skatchkov, Jose Vilela, and many others.

Benjamin’s Opening Takes
Joel Benjamin writes about what is looking to become a hype: the advance of ‘wing men’, i.e. the g- and h-pawn, at a fairly early stage in the opening – two squares of course! Not only Aronian, the winner of our Yearbook Novelty of the Year 2011 Award, has ventured this in the Queen’s Gambit Declined, it’s also possible in many other QG lines, and the Caro-Kann!

Book Reviews
In his Review Section, Glenn Flear signals a trend towards 1.d4 openings. He follows John Emms’ book on "the Nimzo-Indian ‘move by move" and gets captivated by Vladimir Barsky’s The Ragozin Complex, ‘the author’s best book yet’. Very detailed theoretical stuff is featured in Aagaard’s and Ntirlis’ The Tarrasch Defence. The Alterman Gambit Guide: Black Gambits 1 would appear to be on a lighter note, but Flear thinks it’s high-quality and a good way to spice up your repertoire.

Sicilian Defence - Prins Variation 5.f3 - SI 3.7 - S. Kasparov
Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6...Nbd7 - SI 4.1 - Tuncer/Burg
Sicilian Defence - Delayed Poisoned Pawn Variation - SI 4.8 - Olthof
Sicilian Defence - Dragon Variation 6.Be2 - SI 16.2 - Fogarasi
Sicilian Defence - Velimirovic Attack 11.g4 - SI 26.7 - Van der Tak
Sicilian Defence - Sveshnikov Variation 9.Nd5 - SI 37.8 - Huerga Leache
Sicilian Defence - Paulsen Variation 5.c4 - SI 41.15 - Ninov
Sicilian Defence - Paulsen Variation 5.Bd3 - SI 42.9 - Bosch
King’s Fianchetto - Gurgenidze System 3...c6 - KF 11.3 - Naroditsky
Ruy Lopez - Arkhargelsk Variation 6...Bb7 - RL 12.10 - Van de Oudeweetering
Ruy Lopez - Marshall Attack 8...d5 - RL 17.4-6 - Lukacs/Hazai
Scotch Opening - Mieses Variation 4...Nf6 - SO 4 - Van der Wiel
Vienna Game - Fianchetto Variation 2...Nf6 3.g3 - VG 1.10 - Finkel
Queen’s Gambit Declined - Exchange Variation 3...Be7 - QO 11.3 - A. Kuzmin
Queen’s Gambit Declined - Arbakov Attack 6.Bc4 - QO 16.9 - Sulskis/Sakalauskas
Slav Defence - Anti-Botvinnik 6.a4 - SL 7.1 - Ikonnikov
Slav Defence - 3.Nc3 dc4 - SL 11.5 - Flear
Tarrasch Defence - Rubinstein Variation 9.Bg5 c4 - TD 4.14 - Halkias
Queen’s Indian Defence - Nimzowitsch Variation 5.b3 b5 - QI 15.4 - Adorjan/Vegh
Grünfeld Indian Defence - 4.Bf4 Line - GI 3.11 - Panczyk/Ilczuk
Grünfeld Indian Defence - Exchange Variation 7.Be3 - GI 4.1 - Anka
King's Indian Defence - Four Pawns Attack 6...Na6 - KI 55.10 - Palliser
Benoni Defence - The Snake 5...Bd6 - BI 4.4 - Vegh
Queen’s Pawn - Anti-Chigorin 2.Nf3 Nc6 - QP 9.9 - Raetsky
Dutch Defence - Stonewall Variation 7.Qc2 - HD 3.7/11 - Moskalenko
Dutch Defence - Leningrad Variation 7...c6 - HD 6.3 - Lemos Sarro
Réti Opening - 2...d4 - RE 17.3 - Karolyi

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