Winning Structures

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Publisher: Chessbase, 2009, DVD

Great players always had and still have more than just broad theoretical knowledge. Every of them has some favourite methods, which simply help to score more points. The greatest even have favourite pawn structures! And they immediately exploited the knowledge of others - Alekhine invented some interesting structures, which were copied by his opponent in that game (Rubinstein), and later exploited by Botvinnik and then by Kramnik!

The most popular type of central pawn structure is the isolated pawn. All classical players employed this structure at very high level, because it was and is considered a must for grandmasters. And the great Tarrasch said - “Who is afraid of the Isolani, those have to stop chess!” We can say the same about other structures! Video running time: 5 hrs.

Adrian Mikhalchishin, a Grandmaster since 1978, is currently among the top 5 world trainers and the Chairman of the FIDE Trainers’ Commission. He trained the team of USSR in 1980’s, national teams of Slovenia, Poland and the Netherlands, and was the trainer of Anatoly Karpov (1980-1986), trained Zsuzsa Polgar, Alexander Beliavsky, Maja Chiburdanidze, Arkadij Naiditsch and Vassily Ivanchuk.

System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard


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