2ehands A Killer Chess Opening Repertoire

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Bored with the same old openings? Worried about having to learn too much theory? Then this book will come as a godsend. Aaron Summerscale presents a set of exceptionally dangerous opening weapons for White. Each recommended line is based on a solid positional foundation, yet also promises long-term (and short-term!) attacking chances. The variations are not just easy to learn and play, but they also set Black complex problems.

  • A queen's pawn repertoire based on rapid piece development
  • Reveals many lethal attacking ideas and traps
  • Features the legendary '150' and Barry Attacks

For this new edition, the publishers enlisted the help of hotshot opening writer Sverre Johnsen, who has updated the coverage where necessary, while retaining the spirit, charm and aims of Summerscale's original work. The killer repertoire remains easy to learn, and is now more dangerous than ever!

Grandmaster Aaron Summerscale is a prominent figure in UK chess, who won the British Rapidplay Championship in 2000. He is also a renowned chess trainer, and has been involved in coaching some of England's best junior players. Sverre Johnsen is from Norway, and an enthusiastic chess analyst, researcher, organizer and writer.


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