Unknown Weapons in the Grünfeld

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Publisher: Thinkers Publishing, 2016, Pages: 235, Paperback

The Grünfeld has always been a popular opening, but it’s popularity was boosted when we entered the new computer era. If there is any opening  suitable for our modules it is definitely the Grünfeld. A sharp and at the same time a very precise type of play is needed in order to conduct the game correctly, it is simply a perfect place for our silicon friends to assist us, human players. In this book I am trying to use some old forgotten or rare lines to test how they stand in the modern times.

I tried to cover all critical direct lines that White uses for many decades in order to gain an advantage. Mostly it is about obtaining the center and a direct approach, requiring from Black the outmost accuracy not being rolled over by the strength of white’s center pawns. In this book one specific line was brought to life due to some new and sharp tactical ideas.
I am talking about  1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. h4!?, a popular and recently discovered idea,  although not fully developed yet, he decided to include it here.

When we talk about the ‘Fianchetto’-line with g3, this is in my opinion an entirely different approach to chess. To explain what I mean by that I will quote the famous Grandmaster Gligoric who was helping me in my carrier: “g3 can't be combined with other systems because it is simply a different type of chess”.  Keeping this in my mind I decided not to mix these lines. I do believe that the Grünfeld-g3 lines should be together analyzed with the ‘Fianchetto’ Ben-Oni and ‘Fianchetto’ Kings Indian.

Over the last 10 years it shows that among the many top players who are using the Grünfeld, it is an important issue to realize: the Grünfeld Defence is now a hard nut to crack for White, and many players are now simply avoiding it.

Milos Pavlovic, Beograd, October 2015


Grandmaster Milos Pavlovic was born in Belgrade in 1964. So far he won many chess tournaments worldwide.  In 2002 he became the Yugoslav Champion. He is a well know theoretician, already the author of three widely appraised books and he wrote numerous articles published in various Chess magazines.  Currently he is also writing for Chess Publishing and ChessBase.




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