The Wonderful Winawer

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2010, Pages: 272, Paperback

"Strategic Ideas & Surprise Weapons for Dynamic Chess Players"

The widely-played Winawer Variation has been called ‘the jewel in the crown of the French Defence’. It is easy to see why:

This is an opening for players who love a real fight. Black immediately attacks White’s centre and the resulting positional dynamics offer chances to both sides.

Viktor Moskalenko, a renowned champion of dynamic play, is the ideal guide to show you both the strategic principles and the tactical finesses. As a follow-up to his bestselling The Flexible French, Moskalenko has written another sparkling book brimming with new and original ideas.

The entire spectrum of the Winawer is covered, but of course Moskalenko has his own preferences and he does not shy away from some daring recommendations.

His keen eye for the essence of positions, his talent to find new resources in well-known lines and his own inimitable style will make the ‘French Magic’ work for every reader.

Viktor Moskalenko is an International Grandmaster, a successful author and a well-known chess coach who has worked with Vasily Ivanchuk. A former Ukrainian champion, Moskalenko remains highly active as a player and has won numerous tournaments in his new home country, Spain.

Viktor Kortchnoi, in his foreword:
"Familiarizing oneself with Moskalenko's new ideas can only have a benificial effect on the play of any reader, from amateur to professional. I can see many connections between this second book and the earlier 'flexible' volume, which proves that the two are in spirit actually one publication."


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