The Gambit Files

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Publisher: Mongoose, 2011, Pages: 152, Paperback

"Tactical Themes to Sharpen Your Play"

Sharpen your sword! Puzzle king Bill Harvey presents 237 violent positions from 15 gambit variations – ranging from the rare Lisitsin and the neglected Blumenfeld, to the popular Milner-Barry and the fashionable Gajewski – where one side is poised to deliver the final blow.

Studying typical tactics is one of the best ways to get to know an opening: you will discover the traps and the pitfalls, develop both a sense of danger and a feel for opportunities, and learn to stay always on the alert. In The Gambit Files, the author surveys the common tactical motifs for each variation, and then inivites you to hone your cut-and-thrust skills with thematic puzzles.

Whether you’re looking to breathe new life into your current openings or to overhaul your repertoire, The Gambit Files will help you to slay your opponents faster and with confidence.

About the Author

A veteran of hundreds of tournaments in online, postal and over-the-board competition, Bill Harvey has taught chess in schools for a dozen years in the Washington, D.C. area, and edited two chess puzzle columns.

Harvey is the webmaster of where readers can find 10,000 critical positions from historical and modern games with a quick link to the solution. This is his first book.


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