The Chess Tactics Detection Workbook

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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2014, Pages: 256, Paperback

Experts agree that regularly solving tactics is a vital component of chess training. However, it's also widely acknowledged that there is one drawback of traditional chess puzzles – when solving them students know for sure that there is a genuine tactic in the position, whereas during a real game there is no such guarantee.

In this workbook, Volker Schlepütz and Grandmaster John Emms offer a unique framework to study chess tactics independent of themes, difficulty and – most importantly – even the existence of an actual tactic in a given position. Analysing carefully selected games, from beginner level through to club and tournament level, the reader assumes the role of a tactics detective, checking for mistakes and missed opportunities by both sides without the help of a chess engine. This training method resembles live play far more realistically than solving puzzles, because each move has to be analysed with respect to tactical possibilities – whether they exist or not. The same thinking processes used in the training can then be applied in real games.

◦A unique framework to practise chess tactics
◦Exercises resemble over-the-board situations
◦Ideal for beginners, intermediate and club players

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