The ABC of the Alekhine

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Publisher: Chessbase, 2007, DVD

Alekhine‘s Defence is an excellent opening to play if one wants to go for the win. Black invariably gets a tough and resilient position with ample opportunity for counterchances. With 1...Nf6 he immediately throws down the gauntlet to the pawn on e4 and tries to take the initiative from the very first moves. This is a particularly effective game-plan at club level, where knowledge of exact theory is sketchy and where a passive response to immediate aggression is commonplace. In the ABC of the Alekhine we take a look at how the opening stands in 2007. IM Andrew Martin provides sound, active recommendations for Black, which can be used at all levels of play and demonstrates that the Alekhine is actually in pretty good shape. To underestimate Alekhine‘s Defence would be a big mistake indeed!

Video running time: 5 h 40 min

International Master Andrew Martin is 50 years old and lives in Sandhurst, England. He is the current Manager of Coaching for the English Chess Federation and has authored some 12 DVD‘s for ChessBase. He is a noted writer and chess trainer.

System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard



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