Super Chess Kids

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2018, Pages: 144, Paperback

If you want to improve in chess you often find instructional material based on games played long ago by old masters with who you have no affinity at all. Franco Zaninotto has a different approach. He knows from experience how stimulating it is to study the games of the best players in your peer group.

Zaninotto teaches elementary strategy and tactics by using games he has selected from recent Junior Championships all over the world. He shows that you don’t need to have decades of experience in order to play clever moves.

Super Chess Kids tells you all you need to know about recognizing and exploiting weaknesses in your opponent’s position. You will learn how to evaluate your position, develop a plan, and calculate moves of attack and defence. You will also see typical errors that even the best young players tend to make.

In the process you get to know players who may be members of the world elite in the not-so-distant future. Included are more than 100 strategic and tactical exercises. There is little excuse for not finding the winning moves: after all, other kids already did!

Franco Zaninotto is an Italian FIDE Master and chess trainer who has worked with talented youngster in various countries.


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