Stepping Stones 2

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Publisher: van Wijgerden, Pages: 56, Paperback, English

Workbook Step 1 is often used with very young children. It is possible but not ideal. It is not surprising since the step-by-step method was developed in 1987 for children from the age of 9 on.

The tendency is that children learn to play chess younger and younger. For children at the age of 6 approximately, two special workbooks appeared where the exercises are adapted to this age group.
 Naturally, the contents of these workbooks overlap partially the 'usual' Step 1. Part one of Stepping stones corresponds to lesson 1 up till 6 in the manual, part two begins with mate.
 (See Manual for chess trainers)

What are the differences with the usual workbook Step 1?

  • Larger diagrams
  • 6 diagrams a page
  • Almost no text
  • No reminders
  • Easy exercises
  • Different kind of puzzles
  • Notation not necessary
  • Some topics are split
  • Eddy Sibbing as co-author

Instructors (frequently parents as well) have to rely on the Manual of the first step. In the new addition a chapter will be added on teaching chess to very young children. Furthermore, it will contain information how to deal with each page of the workbook and what are the expected difficulties.


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