New In Chess Magazine 2016/7

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2016, Pages: 106, Magazine


King of Pubs
The Pawn in Glasgow has a mural by Barry the Cat.

NIC's Café
FIDE and women's rights. A chess-obsessed murderer. Mike Basman axed by the Taxman. A chess minister.

Your Move
Zeitnot in Innsbruck. Empowering women in Teheran?

World Champions' performances at Olympiads: dominating or nothing special? By Dylan McClain.

Fair & Square

What Lady Gaga, Channing Tatum, David Foster Wallace, Rowdy Ronda Rousey and others said about chess.

Yes, but what if...
Sergey Shipov makes his predictions for the Match in New York. Will the deep-water mines that Karjakin is preparing sink Carlsen's ship?

Baku Olympiad
The organizers had promised to stage the best Olympiad ever. The wonderful 42nd Chess Olympiad in Baku certainly came very close. An on-the-spot report by Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam. The nestor of the Olympiad, Eugenio Torre, annotates a win.

Maximize Your Tactics
Train your tactical skills with Russian expert Maxim Notkin.

United Stars of America
Alejandro Ramirez watched in admiration and amazement how a thoroughly individualistic team remained focused on one goal. With masterclasses by Fabiano Caruana and Wesley So.

Ludus Interruptus
Nigel Short was not amused when in the match China-England he was stopped to be searched during play. He managed to win his game against Li Chao, nevertheless.

Interview: Baadur Jobava
A frank and hilarious talk with one of the most popular GMs on the circuit. Topped off by Jobava's instructive notes on his win against Topalov.

Olympiad highlights

Masterclasses by Olympiad Medal winners Vladimir Kramnik, Anton Korobov, Pavel Eljanov and Andrei Volokitin.

Celeb 64
Mark Rylance, chess player

China's comeback
With a last-round win over their Russian arch-rivals, the Chinese women won the Vera Menchik Cup for the 5th time, ending a 12-years drought. Peng Zhaoqin's inside report with masterclasses by Hou Yifan, Ju Wenjun and Tan Zhongyi.

A tricky early queen move versus the Taimanov.

Judit Polgar's column
Adolf Anderssen inspired me when I was a little girl.

Nepo wins in Moscow
In the wake of a strong showing at the Olympiad, Ian Nepomniachtchi confidently claimed the 10th Tal Memorial. Anish Giri, who came second, reports, highlights critical moments and annotates crucial games.

Sadler On Books
Mathew Sadler reviews 5 books: 'Playing 1.e4 - Caro-Kann, 1...e5 & Minor Lines', by John Shaw; 'The Agile London System' by Romero & De Prado; 'Instructive Chess Miniatures' by Alper Efe Ataman, and two games collections by Naiditsch and Balogh.

Chess Pattern Recognition
Your bishop on the rim can be a pain in the neck for your opponent!

Karpov-Timman revisited
In Murmansk our honorary editor finally defeated his formidable opponent in match play.

Just Checking
What is Li Chao's greatest regret?

Contributors to this issue

Jeroen Bosch, Fabiano Caruana, Li Chao, Pavel Eljanov, Anish Giri, John Henderson, Anton Korobov, Vladimir Kramnik, Dylan McClain, Maxim Notkin, Arthur van de Oudeweetering, Judit Polgar, Alejandro Ramirez, Matthew Sadler, Sergey Shipov, Nigel Short, Wesley So, Jan Timman, Eugene Torre, Andrei Volokitin, Ju Wenjun, Hou Yifan, Peng Zhaoqin, Tan Zhongyi


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