New in Chess Magazine 2015/7

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2015, Pages: 106, Magazine


The best know best
On truth and wit in top level chess.

Spectre of the Past
James Bond at the board.

NIC's Café
When Patti met Bobby. Cheating by pen and cheating by pendant. The Lewis Chesswoman.  Ilyumzhinov tries to get chess into the Guinness Book of Records.

Your Move
Tartakower speaks, but why can't the French hear him, asks Christophe Bouton.

How do top seeds fare in knock-out tournaments?

Fair & Square
What David Hockney, Lars von Trier, Maarten 't Hart, Lord Rosebery and others said about chess.

Karjakin Prevails in World Cup
Semi-finalist (and Contributing Editor) Anish Giri reports from Baku, analyses some key games of his colleagues and himself and comments on the crazy slugfest between Sergey Karjakin and Peter Svidler.

Short Stories
Columnist Nigel Short loves chess magazines: the dirtier the better.

Millionaire Chess
How Hikaru Nakamura defeated Le Quang Liem and took home the $100,000 winner's check.

Judit Polgar
In her first column, the Queen of Chess speaks about how Kings can bite.

Radio Days
Dominic Lawson looks back on three seasons of the BBC Radio 4 series 'Across the Board' and speculates why Richard Branson declined his invitation.

St. Louis
Levon Aronian elated his fans and silenced his critics as he claimed the 2015 Sinquefield Cup. He analyses his play, while Veselin Topalov and Alexander Grischuk explain how they beat Magnus Carlsen

Interview: Levon Aronian
On his new attitude in life, his new second, his new opening preparation, his steady girlfriend and the training camp in the Hamptons with his good friend Magnus Carlsen

Maximize Your Tactics
Train your tactical skills with Russian expert Maxim Notkin.

Parimarjan's Chess Gym
Parimarjan Negi explains how to proceed if there isn't an obvious tactical refutation of the sacrifice you can play.

The Power of Love

Genna Sosonko delves into a tragedy in the life of Vassily Smyslov.

Deviating against the Sicilian on move 2!

World Juniors
Loek van Wely travelled to Khanty-Mansiysk as a coach and shares his extraordinary insights.

Chess Pattern Recognition
Improve your technique with Arthur van de Oudeweetering's training column: the reverse queen's battery.

Sadler on Books
Matthew Sadler reviews a revised and expanded edition of Spielmann's 'The Art of Sacrifice in Chess', 'For Friend's and Colleagues Vol. 2' by Dvoretsky, Tukmakov's 'Risk & Bluff in Chess' and 'Learn from the Legends' by Mihail Marin.

Fighting for Dignity
Hans Ree read Robert Hübner's new book 'Elemente einer Selbstbiographie': a self-portrait without any autobiographical facts.

Never a Dull Moment
Jan Timman selects some creative World Cup highlights: how local artist Mamedyarov knocked out Caruana and the sparkling clash between two Chinese aces: Wei Yi and Ding Liren.

Just Checking: Alina l'Ami
She confesses that she would like to have dinner with MVL

Contributors to this issue

Alina l'Ami, Levon Aronian, Jeroen Bosch, Pavel Eljanov, Anish Giri, Alexander Grischuk, Robert Hess, Dominic Lawson, Dylan McClain, Parimarjan Negi, Maxim Notkin, Arthur van de Oudeweetering, Judit Polgar, Hans Ree, Matthew Sadler, Nigel Short, Genna Sosonko, Jan Timman, Veselin Topalov, Loek van Wely


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