Magic of Chess Tactics

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Publisher: Chessbase, DVD

Magic of Chess Tactics Chess Tactics are the art of combat command. When tactics dominate concrete action is required immediately in order to put a plan into practice or to grab an opportunity. However in complicated positions and with determined resistance basic tactics are often insufficient and intuition, imagination and precision are necessary. The Magic of Chess Tactics DVD helps to develop these qualities and hereto offers a multitude of highly interesting, thoroughly analysed examples as well as detailed explanations and exercises.

Such positions especially are brought into focus which are beyond a quick solution, put concentration and calculating power to the test and sometimes even contain instructive material for quite a lot of training courses.

Video running time: 3 hours 30 min.

The Magic of Chess Tactics, which 2002 was originally published as book in the USA has been considerably improved and expanded over the last few years. Now it is presented as training DVD, for the very first time in the popular ChessBase format together with Fritztrainer Videos, where Grandmaster Karsten Müller shows a selection of attractive duels. Beside quite a lot of corrections of the original book – some analysis even had to be turned upside down – so to speak as candy this DVD contains many additional tactical brilliants including a collection of the creative achievements of the five memorable great masters of attack: Tal, Spielmann, Neshmetdinov, Stein and Bronstein. Magic of Chess Tactics is a demanding training DVD aimed primarily at aspiring chess players from club to master level who practically oriented want to study on the basis of thorough and critical explorations of fascinating middle- and endgames, now as before a reliable way to better chess understanding.

Fide Master Claus Dieter Meyer (*1946), one of the most experienced German “A-trainers” and for many years officially in service of SV Werder Bremen, is also well known as author and translator of numerous chess publications as well as of the rubric Analysen at
Co-author Grandmaster Dr. Karsten Müller (*1970), who has played for the Hamburger SK in the German Bundesliga since 1988, is in great demand as trainer, author (Fundamental Chess Endings) and member of the ChessBase staff. As one of the best endgame experts Müller also is in charge of the monthly column Endgame Corner at, in 2007 he was honoured as “trainer of the year” by the German chess federation.

System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows 7, Windows Vista,Windows XP DVD drive, mouse, soundcard


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