Foxy Openings, #168 + 169, The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit (Part 1 + 2)

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Publisher: ChessonDVD, 2017, 2x DVDVideo 

"Aggressive Repertoire for Black"

The Albin Counter-gambit (1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5) is a magnificent weapon for club players. This counterattack even works well at master level, although the Albin tends to be used as a surprise higher up. Here we explore new winning ideas from the games of GM Alexander Morozevich (2678).

On this modern DVD, FIDE Senior Trainer and IM Andrew Martin develops a repertoire for Black, based mainly around an early ...Nge7 in most of the main lines. This is the approach used by super GM Morozevich and an exciting life is guaranteed.

The Modern Albin Counter-Gambit will take the unprepared White player by surprise. After 1.d4 d5 2.c4 e5, if White takes the e-pawn then Black plays 3...d4, and his mighty d-pawn will be an effective wedge, splitting the White position in two.


This DVD covers general ideas and the important main lines:

1) The Tricks and Traps of the Albin
2) 5.g3
3) 5.a3

Video Running Time: 2 hours 46 minutes 


1) 5.Nbd2
2) Other White fifth moves
3) Spassky's 4.e4
4) 4.a3
5) Other White Ideas

Video Running Time: 2 hours 




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