Winning Chess the Easy Way, Learn How to Create a Plan

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Publisher: Chessdvds, 2006, DVDVideo

1. Susan covers opening plans in seven different sample openings:

Kings Indian Defense
Meran Defense
Dutch Stonewall Defense
Queens Gambit Exchange (Carlsbad Variation)
Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation
French Defense
Sicilian Dragon
The basic plan in the early opening is to control the center, develop your pieces, and put your King in safety by castling as soon as possible. The next step is the formulate plans based on Pawn structure, where the Kings have castled and where the pieces have developed. That is what we will see in the seven examples. 
2. Plans in the Middlegame: In chess, the middlegame stage is the most complex and complicated. There are many different kinds of plans but in general it can be divided in two main groups: Attack against the King
Positional maneuvering to gain small advantages

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Susan Polgar - Ljubojevic
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Botvinnik - Capablanca
Smyslov - Kasparov

3. Plans in the Endgame: In the endgame, plans actually often involve many moves. For example, here is a typical scenario: A King walks from one side of the board to the other, captures an enemy Pawn and creating a passed Pawn, then advancing the passed Pawn to become a Queen. Pawn Endgame
Knight vs. Bishop
Bishop Endgame
Rook endgame
Queen Endgame

Remember in the endgame (unlike in the opening and middlegame), the King usually should be an active participant. Very often the game revolves around a passed pawn, whether it can become a Queen or it can be stopped.

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