The Rossolimo Sicilian

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2011, Pages: 238, Paperback

"A Powerful Anti-Sicilian that Avoids Tons of Theory"

Play real chess instead of trying to memorize endless database lines! That is what the Rossolimo Sicilian offers and why this opening has become so popular with chess players all over the world.

If you play 3.Bb5 in the Sicilian, you do not need to keep up-to-date with the dazzling theoretical developments in all kinds of Open Sicilians. You can sidestep theory, play your own creative game – and still put your opponent in trouble!

Victor Bologan focuses on opening lines he learned from his trainer Viacheslav Chebanenko in his youth in Moldavia. Chebanenko’s original analyses formed the solid basis for a lot of new and ground-breaking work that Bologan has done for this opening – in practical play, but also in training sessions with Garry Kasparov.

Bologan does not tire the reader with dry variations. His verbal explanations are smooth, clear, and often humorous. He recounts the history of the line and provides a short but colourful biography of its originator, the legendary grandmaster Nicholas Rossolimo.

Victor Bologan is one of the strongest grandmasters in the world. He has won many tournaments, including the Aeroflot Open in Moscow and the Dortmund super-tournament.

He has written critically acclaimed opening books like ‘The Chebanenko Slav’ and ‘The King’s Indian: a Complete Black Repertoire’, and his ‘Victor Bologan Selected Games 1985-2004’ was an international bestseller.


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