The Modernized London System

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Although known for a long time, the London started to catch up in popularity just in the last decade or so. I guess the reason for this is probably the desire of many players to focus more on the practical side of chess, with less use of engines and less memorization of long theoretica! lines, and more about positional understand­ing of game. I must say, it received a huge boost not only in the number of games but also in a deeper understanding of the positions arising from the opening.

In the past it was used from time to time, but only a few players employed it on a regular basis, such as grandmasters from farmer the Yugoslavia, Milorad Knezevic and Vlado Kovacevic, and the English GM Tony Miles, who used it aften. Today, Kamsky is one of the players who uses it very aften, and of course Magnus Carlsen, but we have many other grandmasters and non-grandmasters who now have it in their repertoire on a regular basis.
1 must say that it's also important to emphasize the move orders of the line, and due to that we have an immense number of transpositions, which you don't find so much in other openings.

My experience with the London is good and bad: after I lost a game to grandmaster Volkov in the Rilton Cup, I decided that such positions are not exactly my cup of tea, but in 2019 1 picked it up again in one game in a World Senior tournament and produced a very good game.

So, as in any opening, good and bad games can happen, but the London itself be­carne a very important part of 1.d4 theory.

Milos Pavlovic, 2024 

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