Risk & Bluff in Chess

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2015, Pages: 224, Paperback

"The Art of Taking Calculated Risks"

You cannot win in chess without taking risks. Winning requires courage and psychology. No matter how deep you calculate, there always comes a point where you have to deal with uncertainties and take a decision.

What is carefully calculated risk, and what is bluff? And why were famous players like Lasker and Tal so successful with both? They realized that chess is not a science. Emotions also play a role behind the board. If you can guess what your opponent is feeling and thinking, you are ahead of him.

When your main aim is to derail your opponent’s calculation by weaving a web of deception, you engage in the highest form of risk: bluff.

Renowned chess coach Vladimir Tukmakov has played against, and worked with, quite a few chess greats. Many of them told him frankly about their thoughts and feelings during crucial games.

These stories became the foundation of a collection of more than 100 practical ways that masters and grandmasters have used to push beyond the limits of calculation and take a deliberate risk. It works – even at the highest level!Tukmakov shows how to trick your opponent into believing your bluff. 

After studying this book, with its many fascinating and often funny examples, you will think twice before wasting an opportunity to do what even the greatest players do: bluff your way to victory!

Grandmaster Vladimir Tukmakov (born 1946 in Odessa) had a rich career as a chess player. He finished second in three Soviet championships and once won the Ukrainian championship. After his active career he became an esteemed chess coach. He was the non-playing captain of the Ukrainian team that won gold at the 36th Chess Olympiad in Calvia in 2004, and currently he is the coach of the Dutch chess star Anish Giri

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