Platonov's Chess Academy

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Publisher: Circ, 2012, Pages: 176, Paperback

Igor Platonov was one of the most profound thinkers and theoreticians in the old Soviet Union, which held a grip on the world chess championship for decades as the title passed from one of its stars to another.

Platonov's visionary insights, examined and explained here for the first time, provide you with the keys to understanding the foundation concepts of the game - and give you effective methods of training that will help you to find the most powerful moves.

• Reveals top chess training secrets of Soviet champions.
• Deeply examines the theory of the Sicilian Defense - the most popular chess opening.
• Provides a unique understanding of how small changes in a chess position can require completely different longe-range plans.
• Offers you a real strengthening of your chess understanding.
• For intermediate players to Granmasters.            

Three-time U.S. Champion Lev Alburt and European Champion Sam Palatnik, two of the most renowned chess trainers in the world, introduce and explain the revolutionary ideas of their old friend and mentor, Igor Platonov.


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