New In Chess Magazine 2018/4

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2018, Pages: 106, Magazine

Sam Shankland: The tallest king In St. Louis

Caruana, So or Nakamura, who would be the new US Champion? Well, none of them, as Sam Shankland claimed the title, pocketed $ 50,000 and finally crossed the 2700 ELO mark.

Magnus Carlsen: Hat-trick in Shamkir

‘Mediocre’ play proved good enough for Magnus Carlsen to win the Vugar Gashimov Memorial for the third time (with a 2884 performance).

Fabiano Caruana continued

Only four days after the Candidates in Berlin, Fabiano Caruana sat down to play ... Magnus Carlsen! The American won the Grenke Classic. Vincent Keymer (13) sensationally claimed the Grenke Open.

Nigel Short

Columnist Nigel Short explains why he is running for FIDE President.

Judit Polgar

Time-trouble is no good, Judit Polgar warns, but can produce fascinating chess.

Reuben Fine: Double Genius

He was one of the strongest chess players in the world when he abandoned chess to embark on a brilliant career in psychology. 

Celeb64: Arnold Schwarzenegger

Amber chess

A dazzling and enchanting chess set with a price tag of 580,000 euros.

NIC’s Café

Milos Forman (1932-2018) loved chess and even collected chairs used in world championship matches.

Your Move

More correspondence chess (and Nigel Short) and who was that elderly gentleman in London in the 1970s?

US Championship

A graphic on the history of one of the great national championships.

Fair & Square

Daniel ’007’ Craig explains sexiness in the movies.

Chess Pattern Recognition

Another exchange sac worth knowing.

The Blitz Whisperer

More blitz tips from Maxim Dlugy. Most of the time it’s not about pawns.

Maximize Your Tactics

Find the right moves.

Into the lion’s den

Hans Ree on a book about Vladimir Kramnik by his former manager Carsten Hensel.

Sadler on Books

Who doesn’t know that Mikhail Tal was famous for his daring sacrifices? But Matthew Sadler points out that the endgames that arose as a result could be just as fascinating.

No Moro Magic in Malmö

But Jan Timman saw that the youngsters did not hide their ambitions at the TePe Sigeman tournament.

Just Checking

Where is Daniil Dubov’s favourite place in the world?

Contributors to this Issue

Erwin l’Ami, Maxim Dlugy, Daniil Dubov, Anish Giri, John Henderson, Vincent Keymer, Irina Krush, Peter Leko, Dylan McClain, Peter Heine Nielsen, Maxim Notkin, Arthur van de Oudeweetering, Judit Polgar, Joseph Ponterotto, Alejandro Ramirez, Hans Ree, Eric van Reem, Matthew Sadler, Sam Shankland, Nigel Short, Jan Timman, Nikita Vitiugov


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