New In Chess Magazine 2015/8

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2015, Pages: 106, Magazine


Season's Greetings
Contributing editor Anish Giri is happy! He is the youngest participant in the Candidates'.

Nirvana and Chess
Photographer Gary Tyson has been snapping chess scenes in Varanasi, India.

NIC's Café
Global Chess in Budapest. Explosive: what Walter Browne secretly thought about Bent Larsen. The Hip-Hop Chess Federation. Death of a cult player.

Your Move
When Patti met Bobby: and now for an eye-witness account.

Who of the present Candidates would bet he toughest challenger for Carlsen?

Fair & Square
What Aung San Suu Kyi, Vladimir Putin, Geoffrey Boycott, Jim Slater and others said about chess.

Russian Relief
Not for the first time the Russians were the favourites at the European Team Championship. But this time they won! Team captain Mark Glukhovsky explains why, with game commentary by Svidler and Tomashevsky. Further annotations by Aronian and Rapport.

Sedated Sloths
Nigel Short finds the quality of arbiters a major cause for concern.

A Feast for the Fast
Fascinating masterclasses from the World Rapid and Blitz Championship. Carlsen's second Peter Heine Nielsen on the patience, precision and optimism of his boss. Alexander Grischuk gives a hilarious impression of the final blitz rounds.

Maximize Your Tactics
Train your tactical skills with Russian expert Maxim Notkin.

All of the Knight
Columnist Judit Polgar on her favourite piece.

Downward Spiral
Parimarjan Negi explains how you can keep your game from spinning out of control.

The Candidates
Anish Giri looks at the favourites for the coveted wild card and the player who actually got it.

Upsets In Skopje
Two gems from the European Club Cup annotated by Vladimir Kramnik and Yannick Pelletier.

Buried Bishops
The joys of locking up your opponent's bishop.

Sadler On Books
Matthew Sadler reviews a bunch of self-improvement books: 'Recognizing Your Opponents Resources' by Dvoretsky, the 4th edition of '100 Endgames You Must Know' by De la Villa, 'Mastering Chess Middlegames' by Panchenko and 'Chess Structures' by Rios.

A clever early deviation against the Najdorf.

Bilbao Masters
Wesley So reports on the biggest win of his career.

Honorary Gentleman
Hans Ree and the role of money in chess.

Travels in Time
Jan Timman on the PokerStars Tournament on the Isle of Man, and his match against a 47 year younger opponent in Hoogeveen.

Just Checking
Who is Simon Williams' favourite actress?

Contributors to this issue
Levon Aronian, Jeroen Bosch, Anish Giri, Mark Glukhovsky, Alexander Grischuk, Vladimir Kramnik, Dylan McClain, Parimarjan Negi, Peter Heine Nielsen, Maxim Notkin, Arthur van de Oudeweetering, Yannick Pelletier, Judit Polgar, Richard Rapport, Hans Ree, Matthew Sadler, Nigel Short, Wesley So, Peter Svidler, Jan Timman, Evgeny Tomashevsky, Simon Williams


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