Millennium ChessLink

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Bluetooth module for MILLENNIUM wooden chessboards. Enables online play via the free ChessLink app as well as the use of chess apps on mobile devices.

The ChessLink is the tool for all who appreciate the comfortable game on the chessboard, but don't want to do without the versatility of apps and online games.

The slim device gives you access to online platforms ( or various chess programs that you would normally have to play on screen. With the ChessLink you can play them on your comfortable MILLENNIUM Exclusive sensor board with piece recognition or on The King Performance Board.

The connection with the ChessLink is very simple and fast. Thanks to the fully automatic sensor board with 81 LEDs, your eyes are always on the board and the pieces. So your concentration in the game is exactly where it belongs: in the game!

Technical details

  • Article weight: 134 g
  • Product dimensions: 4.92 x 3.86 x 1.3 inches
  • Manufacturer recommended age: 10 - 99 Years
  • Model: ChessGenius Exclusief, King Performance
  • Power supply: via power supply from chess computer


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