ChessGenius PRO

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"Playing Strenght more than 2.200 ELO!"

One of the most powerful chess computers of all time, featuring the world-champion software ≫ChessGenius≪ by Richard Lang with a playing strength of over 2,200 Elo.

Following the successful introduction of the first ChessGenius in late autumn 2015, we now proudly present our significantly optimized and power-amplified ChessGenius Pro. Many customers shared ideas with respect to additional functions in hard- and software, which have been incorporated into the development of the new model.

In addition to a more elegant optic, the chess computer provides especially a significant higher skill level, it achieves more than 2.200 ELO after international tournamant standard. This was achieved through a variety of hardware and software modifications, such as:

  • much faster 120 MHz processor
  • 160 KB RAM
  • automatic power supply recognition with influence on the sleep mode
  • significantly improved sensory chess board
  • two 2 libraries of opening moves: the ‘Classic London Book’, with approximately 57,000 positions, and the ‘Modern Book’, with more than 100,000 positions
  • Ability to show the move number
  • New Mat in X Level to solve chess problems
  • Exclusive felt-bottomed chrome playing pieces

The product is specially made to all the Chess Enthusiast, expecting a next level chess computer from us.

Due to the much faster processor we strongly recommend using the AC adaptor M811, which can be bought separatly.

Technical data:

  • Processor:  ARM Cortex M4 / 120 Mhz / 160 kB RAM
  • Chessboard:  Pressure sensor board
  • Display: Backlit chessboard display
  • Menu navigation: Text-based, 7 languages
  • Languages: GB / DE / FR / NL / ES / IT / RU
  • Software: CHESS GENIUS (by Richard Lang)
  • Dimensions: approx. 30 x 27.6 cm
  • Power supply: 3 x AA LR6 1.5V alkaline batteries (included) or via AC adapter (not included)


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