Chess Training for Post-Beginners

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2014, Pages: 256, Paperback

"A Basic Course in Positional Understanding"

You have learned the rules of chess and developed some tactical skills. You are fascinated by the game and want to know more. So, the question is: what’s next? What is the best way to improve your play and start winning?

Yaroslav Srokovski, one of the most successful chess trainers in Europe, has developed a practical course which addresses the challenges that ambitious post-beginners face.

• What is the best way to train at chess?
• How do you acquire the ability to assess a position on the board?
• What should you try to achieve in the various stages of the game?
• Which long-term advantages should you aim for in what type of position?

In a clear and concise manner, Srokovski explains basic positional motifs like the strengths and weaknesses of pieces and pawns, of squares, files and diagonals. All these he illustrates with highly instructive examples. His tried-and-tested training material includes many exercises.

Yaroslav Srokovski is an International Master from Ukraine. Quite a few of his students have reached master or grandmaster level. Srokovski was appointed Senior Trainer by the world chess federation FIDE and has received the highest Soviet award for chess trainers, the Chigorin Medal.

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