Chess Developments: The Grünfeld

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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2013, Pages: 400, Paperback

Chess Developments provides state-of-the-art openings coverage. Chess Developments focuses on the current trends – concentrating on critical lines, theoretical novelties and powerful new ideas. It offers players of all levels the opportunity to keep up-to-date with current opening theory whilst also expanding and improving their repertoires.

The Grünfeld is a dynamic opening in which Black allows White to build an imposing pawn centre before plotting its downfall by a series of attacks with pawns and pieces. This ambitious, hypermodern approach is popular from club level all the way through to the World’s elite. In this book, David Vigorito selects and examines the most important and instructive Grünfeld games from recent years, highlighting the main developments and novelties for both White and Black. Vigorito is well known for his opening expertise, and his clear explanations of the plans and tactics for both sides will benefit all players.
*Essential coverage of the Grünfeld Defence
*Packed with key new ideas and critical analysis
*User-friendly design to help readers absorb information


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