"A Comprehensive Record with 576 Tournament Crosstables and 64 Match Scores, with...
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"Vertaling van de Duitse uitgave"
The Italian Opening is one of the oldest...
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Most chess biographies present the games of famous players—but not their...
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This book is about the Nimzo-lndian Classica! line 4.Qc2 (also known as the Capablanca...
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"The Give and Take of Chess Tactics"
Chess students love a Puzzle Rush....
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The Four Knights Variation is a variation of the Sicilian Defense that most often...
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The London System is a chess opening that is characterized by moves 1.d4 and 2.Nf3...
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Leitao – Brazilian Champion in Wijk aan Zee (Tournament Review)
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Leitao – Brazilian Champion in Wijk aan Zee (Tournament Review)
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During his long journey as a chess player and coach, GM Axel Smith came to the...
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The Nimzo-Indian Bible for White - Volume 1
This book is about the Nimzo-lndian...
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Vinay Bhat rose through the ranks of American chess in the 1990s and 2000s, overcoming...
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