Bologan’s Ruy Lopez for Black

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2015, Pages: 528, Paperback

The Ruy Lopez remains one of the most popular chess openings, both at club level and among top players. In this book, the companion volume to his acclaimed bestseller Bologan’s Black Weapons in the Open Games, Victor Bologan presents a cutting-edge repertoire for Black based on the favourite lines of Magnus Carlsen and Levon Aronian.

Bologan’s Ruy Lopez for Black is more than just a well laid-out, clearly explained and eminently playable set of responses against the Spanish Opening. Bologan presents TWO different options against every main line. It’s actually two books in one!

Central in Bologan’s repertoire are the Marshall Attack (8...d5) and the Breyer Variation (9...Nb8). The author guides the reader with a steady hand, using a systematic approach and helpful devices such as:

-- A quick guide for those who are new to the Ruy Lopez and have little time
-- The ‘Arsenal of Strategic Ideas’: how pawn structures define important themes
-- The ‘Fast Lane’ repertoire (in every chapter) indicates the minimum you need to know
-- A wealth of new ideas and novelties
-- A clear-cut presentation of tactical motifs
-- Traps & tricks are visually marked
-- Transpositions and move-order subtleties are clearly identified
-- 2200 games referenced and presented in a separate index
-- Lots of practical tips

Victor Bologan has taken the chess opening repertoire book to a next level. He has created a unique instrument of chess instruction for players of almost any playing strength.

Victor Bologan is a world-class grandmaster. His tournament victories include the Aeroflot Open in Moscow and the Dortmund super-tournament. He is the author of acclaimed opening manuals like The Chebanenko Slav, The Rossolimo Sicilian and The Powerful Catalan.



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