Chess Evolution 1 - The Fundamentals

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"The Fundamentals"

This award-winning instructional series is at the Fundamentals level, which shows players the basic ideas on the road to mastery, using carefully selected positions and advice, plus test puzzles.

Artur Yusupov was ranked No. 3 in the world of chess from 1986 to 1992, just behind the legendary Karpov and Kasparov. He has won everything there is to win in chess except for the World Championship and is now a chess trainer. He has worked with players ranging from current World Champion Anand to local amateurs in Germany, where he resides. He has worked with players ranging from current World Champion Anand to local amateurs in Germany, where he resides.

Key to symbols used 4
Preface 5
Introduction 6
1 Combinations involving bishops 8
2 Diagonals 18
3 Queen sacrifices 28
4 Realizing a material advantage in a pawn ending 36
5 Realizing a material advantage 46
6 Attacking with queen and knight 56
7 The open games 66
8 Attacking with queen and rook 76
9 Forced Variations 86
10 Attacking with queen and bishop 96
11 Positional advantages 106
12 Bishop against pawns 118
13 Attacking with queen and pawn 126
14 Attacking 134
15 Attacking with rook and bishop 146
16 Knight against pawn 158
17 Attacking with rook and knight 168
18 Semi-open games 176
19 Combinations involving promotion 188
20 Mate in three moves 198
21 Mating nets in the endgame 206
22 The passed pawn 216
23 Combinations involving files 226
24 Queen against rook 236
Final test 245
Index of composers 255
Index of games 256


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