Attacking Chess Volume 2

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Publisher: Chessbase, CD-Rom

Attacking chess – not only an important subject, but also a very important one. For the second part of his work on the attack, Jacob Aagaard has selected more instructive examples, which he has analysed and presented on camera. There are 12 files in Chess Media Format; these show typical attacking methods. In total there are more than three hours of top class video training on the CD.

Video running time: 3 h 10 min

The Danish International Master Jacob Aagaard, 30, has already published a whole array of chess books, including the prize-winning “Excelling at chess”.

The subjects of the lectures are as follows:

12 The indifference of the value of the pieces in the attack 1 23:37
13 The indifference of the value of the pieces in the attack 2 18:28
14 Evolution – Revolution 1 17:49
15 Evolution – Revolution 2 14:29
16 Drawing the king out into the open 13:05
17 Destruction of the king’s position 1 15:33
18 Destruction of the king’s position 2 11:41
19 Destruction of the king’s position 3 13:37
20 Destruction of the king’s position 4 15:16
21 Opening lines to the King 1 18:49
22 Opening lines to the King 2 11:45
23 Attack the weakest point in your opponent’s position 16:18

The CD is based on the new instructional Fritz8-Chess Media System: all the lectures are presented in their entirety with video pictures and synchronised chess graphics. There is no better way to explain chess. This is how chess training can be real fun! 

System requirements: Pentium-Processor at 300 Mhz or higher, 64 MB RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, DVD drive, mouse, soundcard. Attention: this course is a supplementary program for Fritz8 and can only be run if the chess program „Fritz8“ is installed on your PC. Fritz8 is not supplied with this training course.


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