New In Chess Magazine 2016/5

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2016, Pages: 106, Magazine


Viktor and the truth

Chessie & Hershel
Chess in the Arizona sands

NIC's Café

Chess in life-jackets, cricket for chess, the youngest IM, chess and grey cells and more.

Your Move
Capablanca the baseball player, from Mahler to gangsta rap.

Chess champions of longevity.

Fair & Square
What Norman Mailer, Frank Marshall, Ron Guidry, Walter Brown and others said about chess.

Paris and Leuven GCT
The 2016 Grand Chess Tour kicked off with two back-to-back rapid and blitz spectacles.  In Paris Hikaru Nakamura showed that speed remains one of his trumps, while Magnus Carlsen retaliated in Leuven. A report by Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam with  exclusive annotations by MVL, Nakamura, Giri, So and Nielsen.

Celeb 64
Bono, chess player.

A lifetime burning
Genna Sosonko remembers the great Viktor Kortchnoi (1931-2016) in a moving tribute, personal and profound.

Judit Polgar's column
Me and my sisters: a great team.

A new early deviation in the Advance Variation of the Caro-Kann.

And then came Shakh...
While Fabiano Caruana and Anish Giri set an inexorable pace in the Gashimov Memorial, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov seemed to be languishing in the wings. But the last act was his. A report by Erwin l’Ami with exclusive annotations by Giri and Mamedyarov.

Nigel Short
Nordic expeditions: after a stop-over in Iceland our columnist reached Greenland.

Chess Pattern Recognition
Always recapture with your pawn towards the centre! Really?

Sadler on Books
Matthew Sadler reviews four books: Alexander Alekhine, Fourth World Champion by the Linders, Alekhine Move by Move by Giddins, Understanding Rook Endgames by Müller & Konoval and Attacking Chess for Club Players by Grooten.

Parimarjan's Chess Gym
Gimme the Knight: Parimarjan Negi explains when bishops are inferior to knights.

Maximize Your Tactics
Train your tactical skills with Russian expert Maxim Notkin.

Three giants
Hans Ree discovers that in the summer of 1940 Duchamp, Beckett and Alekhine happened to be in one and the same café.

Never-ending passion
Viktor Kortchnoi has more than 5,000 games in the database. Jan Timman remembers his glorious career.

Just Checking
Who would Timur Gareyev invite for dinner besides Steven Colbert and Vladimir Putin?

Contributors to this issue:

Erwin l'Ami, Jeroen Bosch, Timur Gareyev, Anish Giri, John Henderson, Shakhriyar Mamedyarov, Dylan McClain, Evgeny Najer, Hikaru Nakamura, Parimarjan Negi, Ian Nepomniachtchi, Peter Heine Nielsen, Maxim Notkin, Arthur van de Oudeweetering, Judit Polgar, Hans Ree, Matthew Sadler, Nigel Short, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Wesley So, Jan Timman


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