20 humorvolle Geschichten aus der Schachtherapeuten-Praxis mit vielen unterhaltsamen...
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Zum Inhalt: 20 neue Geschichten rund um den Schachtherapeuten und seine Patienten....
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In het derde deel van de Simon de Schaker-reeks steelt (akelige) oom Arnold de geheime...
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In his third full-length memoir about one of the world's greatest ever chess...
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Over the last 20 years, the age at which kids learn to play chess has become a lot...
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"Challenging Human Supremacy at Chess"
Technology continues to advance at...
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Antichess (Losing Chess, Giveaway Chess), in which capturing is compulsory and you try...
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"AlphaZero's Groundbreaking Chess Strategies and the Promise of AI"
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Schachproblem ist ein Schachbuch, das Spaß macht: 100 Schach-Taktikaufgaben...
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"The Love Story of Mikhail Tal and Sally Landau"
Sally Landau, born in...
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Oma is op haar hoofd gevallen en moet naar het ziekenhuis. Iedereen denkt dat ze...
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Der Exzelsior Verlag wurde 1999 in Nachfolge des Berliner Sportverlages gegründet....
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