Gambiteer I

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Publisher: Everyman Chess, 2007, Pages: 192, Paperback

"A hard-hitting chess opening repertoire for White"

Are you fearless in your approach to chess openings? Do you like to attack your opponents from the very beginning? Are you happy to take calculated risks? Do you loathe trivial positional chess? Do you feel the need to sacrifice pawns early in the game? Are you a Gambiteer? If the answer to these questions is 'yes!'then this is the book for you!

In his two-volume Gambiteer series, opening expert Nigel Davies produces a complete opening repertoire which is certainly not for the faint-hearted: uncompromising and wild attacking ideas for both colours. This first volume deals with a gambit-style approach for White; the second volume will concentrate on an ambitious black repertoire. All of the opening lines Davies advocates in this book lead to positions of open warfare, where sharp, tactical play completely dominates dreary positional subtleties. Are you ready for the battle? Then cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war!


1. Sicilian Defence, Wing Gambit

2. Danish Gambit

3. French Defence, Wing Gambit

4. Caro-Kann Fantasy Variation

5. Alekhine's Defence with 3 Nc3

6. Pirc Defence, Austrian with 5 a3

7. Scandinavian Defence

8. Nimzowitsch Defence

9. The Pseudo-Philidor and Other defences

Index of Complete Games


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