New in Chess Magazine 2015/6

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Publisher: New in Chess, 2015, Pages: 106, Magazine


The beauty beneath 0.00
On silly online kibitzers and more

Top Gear
Tesla-owner Magnus Carlsen is taking driving lessons

NIC’s Café
New computer game: Alekhine’s Gun. ‘Four moves in, we all are blind’. Taxing poker to fund chess. Revisited: the notorious game Marcel Duchamp – Ms Eve Babitz!

Your Move
GM Michalchishin asks: would Hans Ree like to see Ivanchuk and Ponomariov (who got draft notices for the Ukrainian army) killed?

Mr. Biel Strikes Again
Maxime Vachier-Lagrave: how I won Biel, an exclusive report. Navara annotates his instant classic king march against Wojtaszek.

Earning the GM title at 15 is now almost commonplace

What F.Scott Fitzgerald, Denis Diderot, Brian Sewell and others said about chess.

Herman Steiner
The story of a charismatic man whose legendary Hollywood Chess Group was only one of his contributions to American chess.

Ding Liren
China’s number one, the third of The Three Musketeers, explains why he is (not) studying law at Beijing University, why no one has more potential than Wei Yi and how he beat Gelfand in their recent match in Wenzhou

China beats Russia
An exclusive report with annotations by Bu Xiangzhi and Shen Yang

Chess Pattern Recognition

Improve your middlegame technique with Arthur van de Oudeweetering’s training column

Finding Bobby Fischer

How good is Tobey Maguire in the long-awaited movie Pawn Sacrifice? By Joe Ponterotto, author of A Psychobiography of Bobby Fischer

Maximize Your Tactics

Train your tactical skills with Russian expert Maxim Notkin.

Greek Gift
You proudly queen a pawn and then you lose. A masterclass by Contributing Editor Anish Giri

Dr Short, I presume?

Nigel Short orders a beer in Cape Town that is specially brewed ‘for freaks, gypsies and international chess superstars’

Parimarjan’s Chess Gym
Parimarjan Negi explains how to avoid the opening trap that almost every player falls into: trying to memorize moves

A crude and early attack in the Queens Indian

Sadler on Books

Matthew Sadler reviews ‘Positional Decision Making’ by Gelfand and Aagaard, ‘Meet the Nimzo Insian’ by Kasimdzhanov, ‘Power Strategy’ by Marin, ‘The Ragozin Defence’ by Ramirez and ‘Chess Endgames for Kids’ by Müller

Crying and Self-Despair

Hans Ree on grandmasters that cry.

Danish Delight
Jan Timman looks at the key games of the Politiken Cup and shows highlights from his lecture on endgame studies.

Just Checking
What was the best game Radoslaw Wojtaszek ever played?

Contributors to this issue
Jeroen Bosch, Anish Giri, Ding Liren, Dylan McClain, Bruce Monson, David Navara, Parimarjan Negi, Maxim Notkin, Arthur van de Oudeweetering, Joe Ponterotto, Hans Ree, Matthew Sadler, Nigel Short, Jan Timman, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Radoslaw Wojtaszek, Bu Xiangzhi, Shen Yang, Jilin Zhang


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