Schaakklokken: DGT Travel Timer

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DGT Travel TimerThe DGT Travel Timer replaces the DGT Pocket Timer. The Travel Timer is in the color setting white/blue. It has move timer, game timer options and includes bonus and delay settings.

This unique foldable pocket timer is the first chess clock with a random Chess960 generator. Simply press the 960 button and a randomly chosen Chess960 starting position will be shown on the display. Next to classical chess, Chess960 is the only other form of chess that is officially recognized by the International Chess Federation FIDE.

In Chess960 every game starts from a different position and the chess pieces are placed in one of 960 different possible starting positions. This idea of former World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer has been the most important improvement in chess in the last 500 years.

With Chess960 players must start creative thinking from the first move as any knowledge about the theory of classical chess openings is useless. Chess960 brings many chess lovers back to the chess board.

The revolutionary DGT Travel Timer chess clock is a great gadget and the perfect gift item for any chess player or timer to easily take with you on holiday or on a trip.

  • Large display for easy viewing
  • Bonus and delay timing included
  • Generate random Chess960 starting positions
  • Easy to set


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